Alexander Grelier 3/6/19 Philanthropy Stanford News: Chuck Feeney 1. What is the meaning of the word philanthropy, and what types of activities are associated with it? How is philanthropy different from “charity” or “charitable giving.” According to Merriam-Webster, philanthropy is "goodwill to fellow members of the human race, especially active effort to promote human welfare." I think philanthropy is different from charity because charity is giving money to solve a problem short-term, while philanthropy is looking out for and helping humanity long-term. 2. Find out about the philanthropic work of Andrew Carnegie, including the amount of money he spent and the types of projects on which he spent it. Why did he invest so much in philanthropy, and why he decided to spend his money in the ways he did? Carnegie believed in the "Gospel of Wealth," basically that it was the moral obligation of people with wealth to give back to other humans. He spent h...