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German Americans in WWI

Alexander Grelier 4/15/19 German Americans in WWI Wikipedia: German Language in the United States             After the United States joined the allies in World War I, many German Americans' loyalty became suspect. German Americans tended to be prideful about their country and culture, which Americans found suspicious. Ads appeared in German American political journals saying things like "Germany, Germany Above All" and "Precious Homeland." German Americans also, because of their pride in their culture, never took great efforts to assimilate into American culture, which Americans found insulting and threatening, so they would try to make life harder for any German American by attempting to ban German saloons, smashing store windows, and destroying anything that was made in Germany.

Drug Treatment vs. Punishment

Alexander Grelier 4/9/19 Drug Treatment vs. Punishment National Institute on Drug Abuse Transforming the System: Americans Support Prevention, Rehabilitation and Reintegration The Hamilton Project Since the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914, the United States drug policy has mostly come down on punishment for drug related crimes rather than treatment. In recent years, the debate on drug treatment versus punishment has been very prevalent in the US, because of the growing number of arrests related to drugs and alcohol. For example, In Somerset County, Pennsylvania, 76% of cases have been drug related. These types of scenarios have caused great stress financially for the country and for law enforcement that have had to be educated on how each and every substance affects inmates. In many cases, white people seem to be treated for drug possession and use, while African-Americans and Hispanics are punished. With this being said, I do think the EJI is doing great with...

Montgomery Reflection

Alexander Grelier 3/28/19 Montgomery Reflection Burnaway: Montgomery Memorial... and people's body parts being handed out as souvenirs. Finally, the freedom riders memorial really made me see the sacrifice that those group of people took for what was right, so future generations wouldn't have to deal with the same problem. The tour guide was very good at explaining everything and helped me picture the extremities of what everyone went through during that time.


Alexander Grelier 3/6/19 Philanthropy Stanford News: Chuck Feeney 1. What is the meaning of the word philanthropy, and what types of activities are associated with it? How is philanthropy different from “charity” or “charitable giving.” According to Merriam-Webster, philanthropy is "goodwill to fellow members of the human race, especially active effort to promote human welfare." I think philanthropy is different from charity because charity is giving money to solve a problem short-term, while philanthropy is looking out for and helping humanity long-term. 2. Find out about the philanthropic work of Andrew Carnegie, including the amount of money he spent and the types of projects on which he spent it. Why did he invest so much in philanthropy, and why he decided to spend his money in the ways he did? Carnegie believed in the "Gospel of Wealth," basically that it was the moral obligation of people with wealth to give back to other humans. He spent h...

The Triangle Fire

Alexander Grelier 2/19/19 The Triangle Fire Smithsonian: What you may not know about the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire Cornell: Remembrance and Activism United US Holocaust Memorial Museum: Frances Perkins Cornell: New York City events honor Triangle fire victims, focus on new activists CNN: Triangle Fire and workers rights PBS: Shirtwaist Kings

Does a Higher Immigration Rate Bring More Crime?

Alexander Grelier 1/31/19 NY Times: The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant PBS: Fact Check: Immigration Doesn’t Bring Crime into U.S Do Immigrants Bring Crime to the US?               In the past few decades, especially since 2016 when President Trump was elected, immigration has been one of the biggest national conversations in the US. One of the stand-out claims made by the Trump administration is that immigrants, especially those from Central and South America, are often drug dealers, gang members, and traffickers. According to a poll from Gallup in 2017, just under half of US citizens believe that there is a direct connection with immigrants bringing crime, which could be a result of what Trump has to say on the topic. Recently, Trump has been targeting so-called "sanctuary cities" for breeding crime in the US, which are cities that often ignore requests from federal immigration authorities to hold these immigrants after they...