Alexander Grelier 5/23/19 Semester II Final PART A 1. Before doing any research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history will be Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Teddy Roosevelt, and the worst might be Herbert Hoover or Richard Nixon. 2. According to the C-SPAN Presidential Historians Survey, four presidents that have consistently been in the top four are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. There have been no presidents that have fluctuated between the 4th and 5th ranking, because Theodore Roosevelt has been placed 4th all three times the survey has been conducted. 3. One observation that I have about the list is that some presidents such as Woodrow Wilson and John Adams have had their rankings go down each time the survey took place, while presidents such as Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan have had their rankings go up each time the survey took place. This shows how important it is t...
Alexander Grelier 5/14/19 In-Class Write 1. In the film Thirteen Days , the viewer is taken behind the scenes at the White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. A person watching this movie can learn lots about the time period, and what happened during the crisis. For example, in the movie, you get to see how the US was able to obtain pictures of the missiles, through photos taken by a U-2 reconnaissance plane. This is important because the plane was shot down, and caused the only casualty in the Cold War. If the plane hadn't flown over Cuba, the US would have never known that there was Soviet missiles in Cuba just 90 miles from US shores, and if the plane hadn't been shot down, different action would have been taken by the US that would have changed the course of the Cold War. Another thing that is seen in the film Thirteen Days is the disagreements within leaders in the White House. For example, in ...