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Alexander Grelier


Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, The Curious Story of a Cuban Missile Crisis Artifact This is a U-2 photograph taken on October 14, 1962 that identified Soviet missiles in Cuba and will be at my party.
Image result for la cabana fortress soviet missiles
Reuters, Relics of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Deactivated Soviet Missile This deactivated Soviet Missile from the Cold War will be at my party.

<p>A wing of a U.S. Air Force U2 reconnaissance aircraft downed by the Soviets in Cuba in 1962 is displayed along with other Soviet-made Cold War relics at La Cabana fortress in Havana, October 13, 2012.
REUTERS/Desmond Boylan </p>
Reuters, Relics of the Cuban Missile Crisis, U-2 Wing I have the wing of a U.S Air Force spy plane, piloted by Rudolf Anderson, that was shot down by Soviets in Cuba in 1962.
Khrushchev letter to President Kennedy This is a letter written by the leader of the USSR sent to President Kennedy regarding the quarantine of Cuba on display at the dinner.
Fidel Castro's Letter This is a translated letter that Fidel Castro sent Khrushchev in 1962. I was not allowed to photograph and publish the real letter, but it will be on display at the party.

Image result for cuban missile crisis primary sources
British Library, Cuban Missile Crisis This is a newspaper article from the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis that will be on display.
President Kennedy's letter of commendation to DCI McCone.
CIA, Artifacts Commemorate CIA's Role in Cuban Missile Crisis This is a letter of commendation sent to a director of the CIA from President Kennedy that will be on display.
Image result for jfk speech end of cuban missile crisis
American Rhetoric, John F. Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation, Oct 22, 1962 Speech given by President Kennedy addressing the Cuban Missile Crisis that will be able to be listened to at the party using an interactive display.


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