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Discussing 12 Years A Slave Film Review

Alexander Grelier

Discussing 12 Years A Slave Film Review by Robbie Collin

Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor star in 12 Years a Slave
Film critic Robbie Collin starts off his review by stating that the general consensus about 12 Years A Slave is that it is the best movie made about American slavery, and he agrees. Although he thinks its the best film made about American slavery, he also doesn't see many contenders to combat the movie. He says that films about American slavery are rare, because of the terrors that really went on. He then goes on to speak on the actor playing Solomon in the film, and says that the part is executed well and gives us a great understanding of the agony Solomon went through. He starts speaking on Solomon's treacherous time at different plantations, describing it as "madness", and rightfully so. He ends by talking about another film about American slavery, Django Unchained, telling us that the two films are so different that they cannot be compared. He finally declares that "12 Years A Slave isn't simply a masterpiece, it's a milestone." This shows that Collin appreciates the film not just because of how pleasing the story-line is, but because it truly depicts American slavery accurately and in great detail.


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